Sunday, January 18, 2009

Performance at the Esplanade

Sinfonia 2009...
the event that we practised and worked hard for it...
the event that we are looking forward to...
finally it's over....
today, we meet up at school at 9.45 and take the bus to the Esplanade...
then we reached the Esplanade back stage. Before we enter the Esplanade, we have to scan our security pass which costs $50 if we lost it. After that, we are brought to our respective rooms according to sections. When we reached there, we saw many viola and violin 3 players were already there. We are told not to play our instrument. According to the band president, we should conserve our potential energy so that it can be changed to kinetic energy during our performance. So, we sit in the room and wait for our lunch. The lunch provided is quite nice... after that, we went for a rehearsal for strings. Then, we have a full dress rehearsal at about 4pm... after the rehearsal,  we give a present to our string conductor, Mr Luo Biao. By then, dinner is ready. The dinner is also quite nice except that the rice is hard like rock. But, we are also given a mango pudding as dessert. 
The performance starts at 7.30pm. Then we play the first song and the other 2 string songs. We have a rest after that. When we are going back to our resting room, Andrew said that he was nervous. So, Joshua ask him to take some chocolate. In the end, almost everyone in the room take chocolate even they are not nervous. While we are waiting for our turn to perform, we are entertained by "The Retarded 2" from cello -- Jolinna and Adele. many photos are taken... But it's not with me now... so will upload later when i got it.
After the performance, we take group photos and then rushed to the lobby to meet up with wei hock and Aik Khuan.  When we reach there, Ms Katherine Soo from SEG saw us and congratulate us. Then we meet with Zach's relative and we have supper together.
Actually today is quite tiring lerr... still have CP e-quiz tomorrow... But it's worth it! The first time i perform on stage... the first time i enter the concert hall of Esplanade..... and many more the first time... A good experience and a nice memory...

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Tagged by Min...

this is the first time i kena tagged....
no choice... have to do it...


幸福套餐 No:1 ♥

1. 你的绰号:fat, XinYi...=.=
2. 年龄:十八岁,即将踏入十九岁。
3. 生日:一九九零年九月二十八日
4. 星座:天瓶座
5. 兴趣:羽球,上网。。。
6. 专长:睡 .. 吃 ..

幸福套餐 No。2 ♥

1. 你有没有喜欢的人:没有 ..
2. 是否有交往:没有 ..
3. 现在幸福吗:还不错...
4. 如果上天给你勇气,最想做什么事:环游世界
5. 如果有天,你爱的人跟你表白的话:到时再算....

幸福套餐No。3 ♥

1. 点你的人是:min....
2. 他(她)是你的:中学同学。。。。
3. 他(她)的个性:友善 .. 乐观...
4. 认识他(她)多久:很久了... 大概是小学同学....
5. 你觉得他(她)怎样:搞笑, 亲切...
6. 你相对他(她)说什么:加油 .. STPM 不是一切, just try your best...

幸福套餐No。4 ♥

1. 最爱的节目:和朋友见面
2. 最爱的音乐:Jay!!! 慢歌...
3. 最爱的季节:秋天 ..
4. 最爱的卡通:Snoopy...
5. 最爱的人:家人 ..
6. 最爱的颜色:蓝色...
7. 最爱的国家:很多...
8. 最爱的天气:凉凉的天气...

幸福套餐 No。5 ♥

1. 如果上天给你三个愿望:考好成绩,回家见家人和朋友,快快完成Assignments & presentations...
2. 你是很专一的人吗:应该吧...
3. 最深刻的记忆:一片空白 ..
4. 你是个很有信心的人吗:还好..
5. 你很爱微笑吗:当然!
6. 如果你要放弃你现在的生活,你愿意吗:NO!!!
7. 妄想什么样的生活:无忧无虑的生活 ..
8. 是否横刀夺爱才是爱:不懂

肥鱼,karyen, wong, zhuang, zach, pee, zu ning, jit khai, wei chien and finally... may kuan..
i also tagged by people... hope all of you will enjoy...

Saturday, January 3, 2009


having very busy life now...
still have lotz of to-do things....
List of my to-do things:

  1. Comm Skills presentation (Attire)
  2. Comm Skills presentation (food)
  3. Fine measurement lab report
  4. metrology tutorial
  5. EEP tutorial
  6. maths tutorial
  7. CP mini project
  8. symphony performance (5/1)
  9. Simfonia(18/1)
  10. NYP Badminton Open
  11. NYP open house
gotto finish it lerr.... if not... sure die.....
waiting for the day i get all this things done...
but i dont know when is it...